Kartik Aaryan and Deepika Padukone’s recent antics have made the fans fall in love with them all over again. Kartik Aaryan and Deepika Padukone came across each other at the airport and did something only they could do – a dance-off at the airport! Kartik Aaryan and Deepika Padukone were clicked during a dance-off on his song from Pati Patni Aur Woh , ‘Dheeme Dheeme’ while they were at the airport. The pictures look super fun and we love them for being such spontaneous stars! They were seen performing the hook step of the song and they can’t stop smiling during their impromptu performance. Take a look at the pictures. Kartik even took to his Instagram to share a few pictures with the caption, "#DheemeDheemeChallenge has reached d next level ????@deepikapadukone ???????????????? Too much fun ????". Take a look at it. View this post on Instagram #DheemeDheemeChallenge has reached d next level ???? @deepikapadukone ???????????????? ...
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