There is no denying the fact that the Bhatt family, especially Mahesh Bhatt and his eldest daughter Pooja are very close to Sanjay Dutt for years now. When the news of Dutt’s illness reached the Bhatts, they were deeply affected. “Bhatt Saab has been close to Sanjay Dutt for close to 30 years. They’ve done films like Sadak, Naam and Kubzaa together. Bhatt Saab was right there next to Dutt through his trial and incarceration for alleged terror activities. Bhatt Saab was shattered when he heard of Sanjay’s illness. The sad part is, because of the controversies currently around Bhatt Saab and his association with Rhea Chakraborty he is unable to hold Sanjay Dutt’s hands when he needs him the most,” says a source very close to the Bhatts. Pooja Bhatt was unable to express herself on her Sadak co-star’s illness. “What do you want me to ...
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