Popular Indian actor and Ex-Army officer Bikramjeet Kanwarpal has died due to COVID-19 complications at the age of 52. The actor was a known face on movies, television and web shows. Actor Neil Nitin Mukesh, on May 1, expressed his grief, "Extremely sad news . I’ve known Major Bikramjeet for so many years. He and I have worked on so many films together. The last being Bypass Road. Such a fantastic, encouraging and energetic human being he was and will always be remembered as. #RIP My dear friend will miss you." Extremely sad news . I’ve known Major Bikramjeet for so many years. He and I have worked on so many films together. The last being Bypass Road. Such a fantastic, encouraging and energetic human being he was and will always be remembered as. #RIP My dear friend will miss you ???????????????? pic.twitter.com/8NE6FeZ6Ei — Neil Nitin Mukesh (@NeilNMukesh) May 1, 2021 Manoj Bajpayee said, "Oh my god!!! What a sad news !!! We knew each other for 14 yrs since ...
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