Sonu Sood stunned his admirers on Wednesday when he shared a throwback video of himself from his gym diaries. Sonu Sood is seen in the video acing the human flag position on a pole like a pro. In the old footage, the 48-year-old actor can be seen wearing a patterned tee and black shorts, and is recognised for his humanitarian activities during the coronavirus outbreak. "#throwback #humanflag," he stated in the description of his Instagram image, to which his followers responded with "wow" and "oh my god" remarks. Yogesh, Sonu Sood's personal trainer, left multiple fire icons in the comments area and dubbed the actor "Flying Beast." Eshaan Sood, Sonu Sood's son, also reacted to his father's post with furious emojis. "Wow, wow," actor Siddhanth Kapoor said. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sonu Sood (@sonu_sood) Sonu Sood's Instagram account reveals that he is a ...
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