Alia Bhatt shared a picture of bedding aesthetic for daughter Raha on Instagram. Even though the actress has taken time out from her professional life, she is active on social media. On Saturday morning, Alia Bhatt took to Instagram and shared a picture of her daughter, Raha’s bedding set which had her name inscribed on it. Even though Alia has not yet revealed the face of the baby, the actress enjoys flaunting cute little things of her daughter and motherhood, in bits and pieces. She shared a glimpse of the cute bed set on her Instagram story along with a text that read, “The most gorgeous bedding set.. Thank you my lovely Rhea maasi”. It was a baby-pink hued blanket which was sent by Alia’s friend and creative director, Rhea Chatterjee. However, this was not the first time Raha had received a gift from the film industry. Few weeks back, Alia had shared snap on her Instagram story which featured quilt with Raha’s name on it. It was received from celebrity fashion designer, Anaita S...
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