Ranbir Kapoor’s next film, Brahmastra , will be releasing 1 ½ month from now. This big-budget film carries strong buzz due to the superhero element, VFX, pairing with wife Alia Bhatt and the super-hit song ‘Kesariya’ . However, will Shamshera ’s debacle affect the release strategy and buzz of Brahmastra ? None of the trade experts feels that Brahmastra is in a spot. Trade veteran Taran Adarsh said, “ Brahmastra is a different film. Of course, one would invariably talk about it after the debacle of Shamshera . I guess we’ll have to wait and watch how that film fares. Eventually, the film does the talking, irrespective of the cast. In the case of Shamshera , you had the best of making stars, production house etc. The actors promoted it extensively. Yet, it’s a complete disaster.” Girish Johar, producer and film business analyst, agreed, “Each film is different. The buzz remains intact for Brahmastra .” Trade analyst At...