Bollywood’s favourite young Superstar Kiara Advani has been roped in by Drools, one of India’s leading pet food brands, as the new brand ambassador. The versatile and bankable actor will represent the brand embodying the values and commitment to quality that Drools Pet Food stands for. Kiara also graced the inaugural episode of Drools' PAWCAST, where she delighted her fans as she engaged in a vibrant and entertaining conversation with the charismatic canine host of the show. To generate excitement, Drools utilized its Instagram page to release a captivating teaser ahead of the announcement. In the teaser, the cute PAWCAST host, extends an invitation to a special guest to join the biggest-ever PAWCAST. While the video cleverly conceals Kiara's identity, her voiceover accompanies the invitation, expressing her excitement and gratitude for being invited as the first guest. This strategic approach sparked conversations and debates among Drools' followers, fueling speculation...
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