The chilling trailer and poster for 20th Century Studios’ A Haunting in Venice, an unsettling supernatural thriller directed by Oscar winner Kenneth Branagh based upon the novel ‘Hallowe’en Party’ by Agatha Christie, released earlier this week. The film, which stars Branagh as famed detective Hercule Poirot and features a brilliant acting ensemble portrayed by the cast of unforgettable characters, including Kyle Allen, Camille Cottin, Jamie Dornan, Tina Fey, Jude Hill, Ali Khan, Emma Laird, Kelly Reilly, Riccardo Scamarcio, and Michelle Yeoh, will open exclusively in theatres September 15, 2023. Talking about the film, A Haunting in Venice is set in eerie, post-World War II, Venice on All Hallows’ Eve and is a terrifying mystery featuring the return of the celebrated sleuth, Hercule Poirot. Now retired and living in self-imposed exile in the world’s most glamorous city, Poirot reluctantly attends a séance at a decaying, haunted palazzo. When one of the guests is murdered, the detectiv...