Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan are proud parents as their children, Aryan and Suhana Khan are all set to make their big debut this year. While Suhana has chosen Bollywood as her future and is gearing up for the release of her debut film The Archies, Aryan Khan will be launching his luxury streetwear brand D’Yavol X on April 30. Right before the launch, the proud mother decided to dedicate a special post to her son, cheering him on for his role as an entrepreneur. Gauri Khan took to Instagram to share a ‘proud mother’ post, a day before the launch of D’Yavol X which is expected to be launched on Sunday evening at 7:30 pm. Gauri posted on her social media handle saying, “One day to go… all the best, @___aryan___ … proud to see your work coming to life. @dyavol.x” While her post garnered a lot of love from well-wishers and fans, some of her friends from the industry also dropped their comments. Former Bollywood actress and wife of Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu, Namrata Shirodkar dropped he...
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