Priyanka Chopra recently unveiled her new project, 'Tiger', on an OTT platform, narrating the compelling story of a Tigress and her cubs, focusing on wildlife conservation efforts in India. Sharing her involvement in the project through a heartfelt post, Priyanka inadvertently tagged Deepika Padukone, sparking curiosity among fans about Deepika's potential involvement. However, it was clarified as a mistake as the tag was swiftly removed. Priyanka's announcement emphasized the film's exploration of themes like love, conflict, and survival, revolving around the enduring bond between a mother and her cub. Notably, the film was filmed over eight years, showcasing the dedication invested in its creation. Despite the tagging mishap, fans are eagerly anticipating the release of 'Tiger', slated for April 22nd, to experience the captivating jungle tale Priyanka has passionately voiced. from Entertainment News, Celebrity News, Latest Movie News, Breaking News | Ent...