Veteran Bollywood actress Zeenat Aman took a nostalgic trip down memory lane, sharing an enchanting throwback photograph from the 1980s on her Instagram. The black and white image showcased a youthful Zeenat, donning a trendy jacket adorned with sparkles, and exuberant, “poofy hair.” In the accompanying caption, the timeless beauty reminisced about her fashion choices during the 1980s, recalling the era, Zeenat wrote in caption, “Poofy hair, an exaggerated collar, and a whole lot of sparkles. This picture just has to be from the 80s. It was one of those test shoots one does for fun, and that snazzy jacket was my prized possession at the time.” She further added, “Let me rewind a little further and share an anecdote. The very first day that I walked onto a set in 1970, I looked around and was taken aback by how dull it all was. Wires snaked across the floor, heavy camera machinery was propped up on rusty trolleys, men ran hither and thither shouting instructions and ferrying supplies....
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