In a recent interview with Mashable India, actor Arshad Warsi shared his thoughts on Jolly LLB 2’s script, his reasons for stepping away, and what fans can expect from his collaboration with Akshay Kumar in Jolly LLB 3. Warsi, who starred in the original Jolly LLB, revealed that he wasn’t fond of the second film’s script. However, understanding Akshay Kumar's wide audience reach, Warsi ultimately supported the choice to cast him, acknowledging that Kumar’s involvement would help the film connect with a larger audience. Why Arshad Warsi Stepped Away from Jolly LLB 2 Reflecting on his decision to exit the sequel, Warsi stated that he was initially willing to take on the role out of loyalty to director Subhash Kapoor. "I wasn't all happy with the script, but I would have done it because Subhash is a dear friend,” Warsi shared. He added that he advised Kapoor to cast Kumar, saying, “With me, you would get a crowd of 500 people. With him, you will get a crowd of 5000 people.” ...